We are Vanguardians!
Current Calendar Events:
Tours for Prospective or Waitlisted Students (March, April & May!!)
Prospective or Waitlisted students can tour Vanguard during March, April or May! Email our parent coordinator to RSVP: Lizbeth.Rodriguez@vhsnyc.org
Los estudiantes potenciales o en lista de espera pueden visitar Vanguard durante marzo, abril o mayo. Para confirmar su asistencia, envÃen un correo electrónico a nuestra coordinadora de padres: Lizbeth.Rodriguez@vhsnyc.org
Tour Times // Horarios de las visitas:
March 20th @ 9:30 AM
April 2nd @ 5:30 PM
April 3rd @ 9:30 AM
April 5th @ 10:00 AM
May 3rd @ 10:00 AM
May 7th @ 5:30 PM
May 8th @ 9:30 AM
May 21st @ 5:30 PM
May 22nd @ 9:30 AM -
Student Led Conferences 03/20-21
Spring Student Led Conferences are March 20th and 21st. Parents can schedule a remote conference time with your student’s advisor. Translation services are available!!
Las conferencias de primavera dirigidas por estudiantes se llevarán a cabo el 20 y 21 de marzo. Los padres pueden programar una conferencia remota con el asesor de su estudiante. ¡Disponemos de servicios de traducción!
Open Mic Night! 03/25
Open Mic Night, Tuesday 03/25 at 4:00PM in the Mini-Theater on the 1st floor (behind the auditorium)
Past Events 2024/25
Oh, the places we've been!
End of 1st Marking Period 03/15
The end of the 1st Marking Period is March 15, 2025. Students, the last day to turn-in your work is Friday March 14, 2025 by midnight!!
El final del 1.er perÃodo de calificaciones es el 15 de marzo de 2025. Estudiantes, ¡el último dÃa para entregar su trabajo es el viernes 14 de marzo de 2025 a la medianoche!
No School: Eid al-Fitr 03/31
No School March 25, 2025 in observance of Eid al-Fitr.
PBA Week 01/21-01/24
PBA Week is January 21st at 1:00pm through January 24th. Please see your PBA teacher to discuss your scheduled presentation time.
No School for Students 01/27
Monday January 27th is Teacher Professional Development Day.
No Schools for Students
First Day of Spring Semester 01/28
Spring Semester Begins January 28th!
Vanguard Enrichment Begins Spring 2025
Vanguard is excited to launch a new Enrichment Program! 9th and 10th grade students will be peer-led by 11th and 12th graders in a variety of Associations! Teachers will support student-interest driven associations like Personal Finance, Culinary Arts, Science and Medicine, Law & Debate, Cosmetology, and more. Kick-off is Spring Semester!!
Vanguard se complace en lanzar un nuevo programa de enriquecimiento. Los estudiantes de 9.º y 10.º grado serán dirigidos por compañeros de 11.º y 12.º grado en una variedad de asociaciones. Los maestros apoyarán las asociaciones impulsadas por los intereses de los estudiantes, como Finanzas personales, Artes culinarias, Ciencias y medicina, Derecho y debate, CosmetologÃa y más. ¡El inicio es el semestre de primavera!
ELA Regents Exam 01/21
ELA Regents Exam is scheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2025 at 9:00AM.
Winter Arts Festival 01/18
Art & Music Classes present the Winter Arts Festival 2025 on Friday, January 18th upstairs in the 6th Floor Penthouse.
Teachers can RSVP for the gallery all day. Students can visit during lunch! Battle of the Bands begins at 6th Block!
PTA's Holiday Raffle Contest thru 12/20
Celebrate the spirit of giving with the PTA’s Holiday Raffle Contest! Tickets are $2 and the prize is a set of Beats Solo3 headphones!! SEE LIZ TO PURCHASE TICKETS (or call Liz with questions 806-367-1272)
¡Celebre el espÃritu de dar con el concurso de rifa navideña de la PTA! ¡¡Los boletos cuestan $2 y el premio es un par de audÃfonos Beats Solo3!! CONSULTA A LIZ PARA COMPRAR BOLETOS (o llama a Liz si tienes preguntas al 806-367-1272)
Winter Break is Dec. 23rd- Jan 1st
Reminder Winter Break: No School from December 23rd to January 1st (Students Return to School January 2nd)
Recordatorio de Vacaciones de Invierno: No Habrá Clases del 23 de Diciembre al 1 de Enero (Los Estudiantes Regresan a la Escuela el 2 de Enero)
Winter Talent Show! 12/18
Vanguard it’s that time!! The Winter Talent Show is scheduled for December 18th & you (and your friends) can sign-up with Jules in room 401!!
SUNY Application Help (Mon+Tues)
Senior support for SUNY Applications with Natalie in room 406 on Monday's Tuesdays during blocks 1, 2, (3/4) and 6. **Need a different day/time? Just email Natalie to schedule! nataliec@vhsnyc.org
Soporte para personas mayores para solicitudes SUNY con Natalie en la sala 406 los lunes martes durante los bloques 1, 2, (3/4) y 6. **¿Necesita un dÃa/hora diferente? ¡Simplemente envÃe un correo electrónico a Natalie para programar! nataliec@vhsnyc.org
Spirit Week Dec. 16th-20th!!
Winter Spirit Week Returns!! Here’s the Schedule for December 16th-20th:
Monday: Twin Day
Tuesday: Grade Colors Day (9th wears Green, 10th wears Purple, 11th wears Blue, 12th wears White)
Wednesday: Anything but a book bag! Thursday: Teachers dress as students & Students dress as teachers
Friday: Pajama Day!! -
End of 2nd Marking Period 12/06
December 6th is the final day of the 2nd Marking Period. Vanguard students should have any make-up work or revisions done by 12/06!
No School 11/28-11/29
No School 11/28-11/29 in observance of Thanksgiving & Native American Heritage Day. We wish our Vanguard families a healthy and safe holiday break!
Student Led Conferences 11/21-11/22
Vanguard Parents: Please Schedule a Conference with your student’s Advisor. Translation Services are available, please ask. Conferences are remote! Advisors will schedule 15-30 minute conferences from 5pm-8pm on 11/21 or 1pm-4pm on 11/22. **Students will have a half-day of school on 11/22.
Padres de Vanguard: programe una conferencia con el asesor de su estudiante. Servicios de traducción disponibles, ¡pregunte! Las conferencias son remotas. Los asesores programarán conferencias de 15 a 30 minutos de 5:00 p. m. a 8:00 p. m. el 21/11 o de 1:00 p. m. a 4:00 p. m. el 22/11. Los estudiantes tendrán medio dÃa de clases el 22/11.
Open Mic Night! 11/21 @ 3:30pm-4:30pm
Open Mic Night is THURSDAY, 11/21 at 3:30PM-4:30PM in the Mini-Theater (behind the 1st floor auditorium!!)
Come and support OR bring something to perform! Dance, comedy, poetry, music, activism — anything
Election Day 11/05 No School
No School on Tuesday, November 5th because it is election day. If you help finding where your polling station is located, the 411 Vote website can help!
Veteran's Day is 11/11 No School
No School November 11th in honor of Veteran’s Day. We thank our family members, friends and community members for their military service.
Dia de los Muertos 11/1-11/2 No School
No School Friday, November 1st - Dia de los Muertos 11/01-11/02. We are sending our families a holiday filled with love and good memories in honor of loved ones who are no longer with us.
Happy Diwali - No School 11/01
No School Friday, November 1st in observance of Diwali which begins on Thursday Oct 31st at 6:30PM. Wishing our Vanguard families a bright and joyful holiday!!
End of 1st Marking Period is 10/18
1st Marking Period Ends Friday, October 18, 2024. Please see your Advisor for help if you're struggling to keep up with classwork. You can also talk with a trusted teacher, Layla or Maylin for support too! Now is a good time to talk to someone if you're falling behind.
Hispanic Heritage Month Starts 09/15
Happy Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month! We hope is it filled with love, joy, parades and flowers.
For future reading about National Hispanic Heritage Month you can head to the Library of Congress!
Indigenous Peoples Day 10/14 (No School)
For many indigenous people in North America, this is a day of reflection, action & connecting with your community. Vanguard wishes our indigenous families a weekend filled with connection & love.
No School 10/14 in honor of Indigenous Peoples Day & Italian American Day (formerly known as Christopher Columbus Day)
Seniors SAT Day: 10/15 at Vanguard!
SAT Day at Vanguard High School for Seniors is October 15th.
Seniors: check for your name on the list outside Room 416 (Geoffrey & Jo's room) Please see Geoffrey if you have any questions! -
Community Trip Day for 9th-11th Grades 10/15
9th, 10th and 11th graders will take class trips on October 15th to experience community building around the city!
For more details, contact your advisory or Charan in room 406.
Rosh Hashanah 10/03-10/04 (No School)
To our Vanguard family members who celebrate Rosh Hashanah, may your year be good & sweet! Shana Tova!
School will be closed Thursday & Friday (October 3rd & 4th) See you on Monday (October 7th) at 8:50AM!
Back to School Night! 9/26
Vanguard’s Virtual Back-to-School Night is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 26th! Please check your email for details & Zoom link.
September PTA Meeting!
Hello Vanguard Parents! Join Liz, our parent coordinator, for the first PTA Meeting of the year. This will take place over Zoom on Wednesday, Sept 25th at 6:00PM.
Zoom Meeting ID #972 2078 7668
2024 Summer Internship Conference
Students will present their Summer Internship, extracurricular and work experiences with each other during advisory. This event will have two dates (Friday 9/20 & Tuesday 9/24) Advisory's will attend on one of these days! Come ready to find your next internship opportunity!!
First Week of Classes (09/09-09/13)
Welcome back Vanguardians! This week is our first week of academic classes. Please follow you schedule and see the office or your advisor if you need a schedule change!
School Starts at 8:50AM everyday.
Click here for the Bell Schedule!
Our Mission
Vanguard High School is committed to cultivating the resources necessary to become literate, articulate, analytical, reflective and empathetic citizens. Respect for self and others is the motivating force toward achieving our goal of becoming socially productive, useful and responsible members of society.
Vanguard High School offers a challenging college preparatory program in a close-knit and nurturing environment. Access to technology, arts, extracurricular activities, and travel opportunities through our partnerships enable our students to develop as analytical, articulate, and reflective citizens who care about and engage with the world around them to make positive change.
We support our students in pursuing internships and connect them to mentors, opportunities, and programs and start yearly college exploration in 9th grade.
At Vanguard, you will develop your own perspective, connect with a diverse group of peers, and express yourself in a safe and welcoming environment where you are known and cared about and your voice is valued.
Our commitment to the Coalition of Essential Schools Common Principles drives our educational philosophy. This enables us to create a school that has high expectations, shared accountability, is student-centered, and uses performance-based assessment to measure what students learn.
As a founding member school of the New York Performance Standards Consortium, Vanguard students fulfill graduation requirements and graduate by demonstrating their knowledge in a series of four portfolio presentations to graduation committees in lieu of all state exams except the English Language Arts Regents exam.
If you are a progressive educator, with a commitment to equity and justice in education and a passion for collaborative work with colleagues and students, we want to hear from you.